Can you Pray Yourself Thin?

can you pray yourself thin photo

can you pray yourself thin photoYou may have heard the phrase “Faith can move mountains”. That may be true, but can faith move the bathroom scale?

For those of you who know my story, you know that my grandmother inspired me to lose 100 pounds. She was a devout Catholic woman who consistently sold the most raffle tickets every year during the church festival well into her 80’s. No one could say NO to Grandma. My grandmother also did something else that I only recently shared with my audience. Every time I would say goodbye to Grandma, she always said “I pray for you”.

Maybe I needed more prayer than other kids. Maybe her belief in God was so beautiful that she felt compelled to share it with others. Maybe, her faith also moved the bathroom scale!

One of the most humbling and emotional experiences I have ever was when a close friend prayed for me when I felt like my world was falling apart. I was frustrated, confused, and unable to imagine how I could pull through.

Do you ever feel that way when it comes to losing weight?

A few weeks ago, I spoke to a group in a program called First Place for Health. This group offers a spiritual model of weight loss. The idea is while you can improve your physical health, you should turn to God for spiritual help. If you knew God was behind you, nothing can stop you. This was the first time I attended a group that prayed for a healthier life.

They are not the only group out there that takes this approach, though! I also found some interesting resources on Google when it comes to spiritual weight loss. Check out this article on Desiring God.

I also read a book called, “I Deserve a Donut”. This book also talks about how certain prayers can redirect your food cravings. The book had some great suggestions on which prayers to use, depending on why you are craving food. I am not familiar enough with the Bible to critique the readings suggested, but they seemed very apropos to me.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers when it comes to weight loss. I did not directly use the power of prayer to lose weight. For me, weight loss comes through practical steps you take every day. To get started on your own journey to a healthier life, start with the Breakfast Blueprint.


But, there is more than one way to skin a cat. I would not turn you away from any resource that can help you in your journey. If you have a strong conviction and faith in God, perhaps you should start asking Him for help. It couldn’t hurt, right?

It doesn’t matter if you pray to Jesus, Buddha, Allah, or some other godlike being. What does matter is you have a greater sense of purpose on why you want to lose weight, and who to turn to in turns of need.

That doesn’t mean that you should pray to magically lose 10 pounds by the morning. I’m a big believer that “God helps those that help themselves”. Eat right, move more, and lean on your faith in moments of weakness. It is yet another tool in your arsenal of resources to living a healthier life today.

Do you ever pray for a healthier life? Why or why not? Share with me in the comments your favorite verses to inspire you on your healthy journey!

10 thoughts on “Can you Pray Yourself Thin?

  1. I pray for the power to be able to say no to food, but I do not pray for the scale to move, that needs work from me

  2. I pray for less pain and the no pain and extra energy to exercise. Also, no desire for sweets, but this prayer seems to go unanswered most of the time. 🙂

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