ImageSuccess Tools

Look Great while Losing Weight

Today’s guest post comes from Char Dobbs, Owner and Style Consultant at Char Style and Image.  I met Char at a seminar sponsored by another business contact.  I invited her to be a guest post-er for Weightless LLC, because we are both passionate about helping people look as good as they feel!  Enjoy her 5 Tips to help you during weight loss!

Sticking to your new goal to eat healthier and lose weight?  Great job!  I bet the pounds are dropping and the inches are melting away. However, while you love your new results, you seem to have a new problem….nothing fits!  Though this is a “good” problem to have, you don’t want to look like you are wearing your father’s clothes.  Here are a few tips to help you during your weight loss journey:

1. Wear a dress – Take advantage of the flexibility and “give” dresses offer. Not only can they can they be cute & colorful or polished & professional, the ease in some allow for variation in size, without sacrificing fit.  And best of all, they are comfortable!


2. Layer – Try adding a jacket, vest, or light knit sweater to your assemble. This changes the focus from your body to the second layer of clothing. Wear a simple shirt underneath.  Make sure your jacket or sweater falls at least to your waist or longer.  Anything shorter will draw attention to your midsection.


3. Clothes with ease – If you purchase items while losing weight opt for fabrics with some stretch and ease.  The stretch and ease of the fabric will adjust to your body, giving you some “give” in the beginning and also maintain its’ shape when you don’t need the extra stretch.

4. Tailor – Whether you need a hem or jacket taken in, a good tailor can save the life of your clothing.  It is a perfect option for those items you cherish and do not want to give away.  This not only allows you to keep your precious items, but it will now be customized to fit you!  If you are anticipating more weight loss, try this option near the end of your weight-loss journey.  Tailoring multiple times can become pricey.


5. Accessories – Your dress or blouse a little big?  Belt it!  This is a great accessory that can take a now-frumpy dress or blouse to chic.  You can also use necklaces, earrings, and bracelets to instantly uplift your look.
