Quit the Clean Plate Club

quit the clean plate club portion control photo

quit the clean plate club photo

Are you a member of the Clean Plate Club (CPC)? If you are, you probably struggle with portion control. Read more for easy ways to eat less.

I grew up as the youngest child of four. Competition for food was fierce! My siblings and I would dig our dirty fingers into our favored piece of pizza to prevent others from taking it.

We ate dinner so fast that we barely had time to catch our breath. Any slower eaters had multiple pairs of eyes watching the contents of their plate like vultures. Ready to snatch at a moment’s notice!

I also grew up in a family that struggled with finances from time to time. Therefore, leaving uneaten food on your plate was akin to throwing money in the garbage. After all, there are hungry kids in Africa, and those peas are good for you! Never mind that my mom encouraged leftovers, if my brother hadn’t gotten to them first.

We often ate choice meals sponsored by Ramen, Kraft, and Hormel. The kinds of foods that normally were featured in the latest coupon flyers and store specials. Not exactly conducive to healthy eating, and I couldn’t get enough of these foods.

I took control of my eating by accompanying Ma to the grocery store. That way, I could help choose what went in the cart!

I understand how challenging it can be to eat healthy food on a budget, especially if you have any dietary restrictions. Here is an article from Mashup Mom on Top Seven Ways to Save on Gluten-Free Groceries.

I always believed that expressing your love for food means eating so much that your belly hangs over your pants. It was all about quantity. It took years for me to realize that loving food is all about quality.

Every weight loss program requires you to control your portions. Whether you count calories, count points, measure your foods, or eat every 3 hours, you learn how to be full with less food. In other words, you drop out of the Clean Plate Club.

It might be difficult to leave the CPC behind. Here are some ways to address common complaints to leaving food on your plate:

There are starving children in Africa.
Yes, let’s eat less food, so we have more money to donate to charities to feed them.
But, I cooked this home-made meal just for you!
I enjoyed every bite. Perhaps you could pack me a lunch for tomorrow, so I can enjoy it again?
Food is love
I love food, but I love hugs/kisses even more!
Here’s an extra big piece of dessert for my favorite person
Would you mind sharing it with me?

A special note: If the food on your plate is vegetables, you may re-enter the Clean Plate Club with full benefits.

For those who still struggle with how to drop out of the CPC, here’s another trick: Put all of your food on a dessert plate. The plate is smaller, and holds less food. You can still be in control while feeding your inner need for an empty plate.


[bctt tweet=”Quit the clean plate club, and effortlessly control your eating with these tips! #weightloss #overeating @mashupmom” username=”jegoswam”]


Or you can join a club that celebrates YOU!  Join Weight no More, a FREE Facebook community for both losers AND maintainers. This is a product-free and supportive space to connect with folks on a health journey just like you.

Join Weight no More.

I know that portion control is important to you, so watch the video below for effortless portion control you can enjoy!

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