Today, I have no problem avoiding potato chips. Remember that famous Lays slogan, “you can’t eat just one?” They lied. Not only have I given up potato chips, but I also have stopped even thinking of them as a complement to my favorite meals.
What changed between my childhood tantrum, and my current lack of interest? I threw out the word, “I can’t.” Along the way, I learned how to improve my health.
Recently, I was chatting with a personal trainer about one of her clients. Her client is a busy professional who spends almost every day in the gym. To my astonishment, she said that he also fasts for up to 3 days at a time. Considering that my family only approaches me in the morning after I’ve had something to eat, I opined, “I could never do that”. She turned to me and said, “And that’s why you never will”.
I thought about that conversation for awhile. Why wouldn’t I be able to fast for three days? Sure, the last time I tried going without food, I lasted about 12 hours before scarfing down everything in sight. But, past efforts don’t rule out future success. The problem was not in my ability. The problem was in my attitude!
What are your attitudes about your goals?
When faced with the idea of trying a different workout, what are the first words that come to mind?
When considering giving up one of your favorite foods, what makes you change your mind?
When someone offers you a food you have never tried, or you can’t recognize, what do you say?
Can’t is a 4 letter word. It also travels with some lesser-known family members. You might recognize these family members, such as “should”, “might”, “don’t”, “won’t”, or “am not”. All of these words underscore a fear of failure.
Guess what? The more you fail, the more you improve! Next time you find yourself saying, “I can’t”, STOP! Replace “can’t”, with “can”. Try this for 30 days.
My Ma once challenged me to give up one of my favorite childhood foods. Little did I know that years later, I would have exceeded all expectations. What challenge can you accept?
Photo credit: politicsandfinance.blogspot.com
13 thoughts on “Can’t is a 4 Letter Word”
Good post! While I have always maintained a fairly healthy diet, I work toward improving it everyday. I try to make everything at home from scratch because I’ve learned that it usually tastes better than the store-bought stuff. Good job making positive changes for yourself!
Carrie, that’s one thing I need to improve on- making everything from scratch at home. Like many, I struggle with finding healthy foods that the whole family will eat. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Great post! Love your positive attitude.
Great post!! I needed that right now!
Thanks, Pam. I hope that I can help others when they most need it.
Love the idea! Another substitution I’ve made is replacing “I think” (which feels a bit wishy-washy) with “I believe.”
Good idea, Liza!
I gave up soda and fast food. BIIIIIIG steps. 🙂
That isn’t just BIG, that’s HUGE! 🙂 Good for you, Lydia. I still eat fast food, but more mindfully than before.
I had to take the c word out of my vocabulary when I met my current trainer. Whenever she hears you say it, or even thinks that you thought it, she issues a death by burpees challenge. I hate burpees! I quit using the c word. 🙂
Isn’t it amazing that we learn how much we CAN do when we make the decision NOT to give up?
All the best to you
Oh, death by burpee! I seriously doubt there is anyone ALIVE who enjoys doing those darn things. But, we certainly enjoy the effects of them.
Good post….I have slowly learned that the only reason I don’t do certain things is because I have convinced myself that I can’t .
Thanks, Erica. It’s true that how you frame your thinking impacts what you can or cannot do. We often surprise ourselves by accomplishing what we thought impossible!
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