You are a woman boss on a mission to change lives. And, you struggle with being visible in the online space. What if you could create short form videos like a boss, be confident in showing up, and grow your business with one life-changing program?
Being a woman CEO today requires a high level of visibility. Whether that visibility means creating Livestreams, videos, or posting updated business photos or selfies, you have to choose how you want to show up to your clients.
Let’s be honest- you don’t want to show up in a big way if you don’t feel confident because you are “too” something. Too big, too overweight, too old, too different. or too introverted. Or, you don’t want to show up fully in your business because you are “not enough”.
In today’s image-obsessed and Instagram-ready world, you may feel like you don’t “look” the part of a successful and magnetic business owner.
- Maybe you compare yourself to other people who do the work you do, and you feel like a fraud.
- Maybe you refuse to record videos about your business because you don’t know how to dress, don’t know what to say, or hate how you sound.
- Maybe you see other folks talking about their fabulous laptop life, and it all sounds so unreal or impossible for you.
One thing you may have noticed about CEO women who are highly visible in their business. They speak confidently, live an expensive or luxurious life, and the camera absolutely LOVES them.

You’re right! There is a strong connection between confidence, communication and business success. Confidence on Camera is a unique program that addresses the unique intersection of these 3 areas of your life.
Think of it as a triangle- with confidence and communication the foundation for a growth CEO mindset. You can have a successful business without being 100% committed to BOTH confidence or communication, but it is nearly impossible to be successful in your business without either.
Confidence is NOT a mindset- it is a MUSCLE. How do you strengthen muscles? Through repeated and consistent action!
As a woman CEO, you have to understand how to communicate with your clients. Sure, you can agonize over written social media posts all day long, and still have zero connection with your ideal client.
The truth is, every time you have a conversation with a potential client, you have to be able to communicate why the program is a good fit for them (not you). As a new coach or corporate escapee, perhaps you haven’t yet had to “sell” or “pitch” your program before.
If you are not confident in communicating your value, how will your potential client be confident in saying “yes” to working with you?
You are addicted to Shark Tank and follow successful and self-confident entrepreneurs. Maybe you’ve even taken a few business courses or worked with a mentor. Yet, you have NO idea why you aren’t growing as fast as you would like. Or, you just started and have no idea what you’re doing. Sure, you have some success and have worked with a few clients, yet you dream of even more.
There is NO other program which includes all 3 of these areas of your life. Why? Because we think we can just separate each of these and work on them one at a time.
Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss if this program is for you
Confidence, Communication and CEO mindset are so intimately connected that they create a feedback loop that automatically uplevels our results.
Think about it- have you ever received a job offer after an interview that you bombed? Chances are good that you dressed the part, and you may even have prepared the right answers.
- If you were really nervous about proving your worth, maybe you flubbed a couple of questions.
- If you weren’t confident, maybe you forgot some of your prepared answers or didn’t connect with the interviewer.
- If you were offered the job, you may even have accepted a pay lower than your needs. After all, a lower pay is better than no pay, right?
The same holds true when you connect with potential clients for your business. If you aren’t confident, or don’t communication in a way your client can understand, you may not be signing as many clients as you’d like.
- Even when you are constantly offering amazing programs that benefit your clients.
- Even when you discount those amazing programs time and time again in the desperate hopes of getting a “yes”.
- Even when you actually schedule a call with a potential client and hesitate when it comes to talking about the price of your program.
Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss if this program is for you
I understand. As a woman who grew up morbidly obese, I know what it feels like to have all eyes on you. I spent most of my childhood hiding, either behind over-sized clothing, or behind a stoic exterior that I rarely admitted others into. Or literally hiding behind a wall from my biggest bullies. I would rather have done anything rather than put myself out there to be judged.
When I lost 100 pounds, my confidence level didn’t automatically change. Sure, I was strutting my stuff in smaller clothing that I hadn’t worn in years. It still took me 3 YEARS to even talk about my weight loss in public.
Because confidence is not really about appearance- it’s about how you FEEL inside.
Today, I have spoken to hundreds of people as a professional speaker, coached numerous clients to reach their goals, and show up daily in my business. I excel in bringing out the confidence in my clients, especially when it comes to taking action on their dreams.

Let’s be real- your business growth relies upon both your confidence and ability to communication effectively with clients.
Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss if this program is for you
Who is this program for?
- This program is for women CEOs (coaches, counselors, artists, photographers, CPAs, etc) who are either in the beginning stages of their business or who desire to expand their current marketing efforts using public speaking or short form video as a tool.
- This program is for action-takers who prefer a short-term, high touch program over another DIY or at-your-own-pace course.
- This program is especially for women CEOs who resonate with hands-on learning and receiving supportive feedback on their work.
This program is NOT for those building an MLM or product-based business, those who want to dance on TikTok or spend on Facebook ads, those who cannot commit at least 2 hours per week to improving their business, or those who are not willing or able to invest in themselves.
What Does the Program Include?
Confidence on Camera is a 6-week program, with each week featuring:
- 1 video creation
- 1 business message
- 1 confidence booster
The program has weekly training on Wednesday nights from 7-8 PM Central time.
The weekly training will be a mix of training and practice on the topics. That’s right- you don’t get to multi-task or turn your camera off during training. Instead, you show up READY to share your work.
- Includes 2 private coaching sessions with me to be used anytime during the 6 weeks.
Week 1: The Name
Discover what impact your name, title, and SEO-worthy hashtags have on your online presence.
Week 2: The Need
Identify the problem your ideal client faces, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and why YouTube is superior to other social platforms.
Week 3: The Face
Envision your online persona, create your YouTube channel art, and choose your headshots and/or selfie.
Week 4: The Message
Choose signature speaking topics, distinguish benefits from features, and refine your professional bio
Week 5: The Fuel
Research what your clients want, prepare your content calendar, and leverage powerful pre-speaking rituals
Week 6: The Stage
Choose your ideal online stage, record your sales video, and use the power of body language and backdrops
Investment: $1500 ($1250 paid in full)
Payment plan available (minimum $300 deposit required)
2022 program dates:
2/9-3/16/2022: February 9, 2022 through March 16, 2022
What my Clients Say
“For my money, you are worth every penny” -Kathy
“It has been a difficult few weeks and I sincerely appreciated the motivating advice about how we see ourselves.” – Mary-Kathryne
“I love it when we are empowered both as humans and as women to work with the gifts that God has given us and reach down into our inner being and know that we are worth it. Jenn celebrated that and more!” – Simone
“When I started coaching with Jenn, I felt overwhelmed and alone. By the end of our call, I no longer felt alone and looked forward to a peaceful and restful night” – Misty