“Withdrawal, a place of refuge, or a time to reflect or meditate”. That is how Wikipedia defines the word “retreat”. Depending on how you use the word, it can be either a verb or a noun.
Does that ring a bell when it comes to your weight loss? Have your previous diets included withdrawing from friends or family who were offering to help you? Do you find refuge in a carton of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream?
[bctt tweet=”Have you taken time to reflect on why you no longer feel comfortable in your own skin?”]
When I accepted the invitation to present “How to Easily Lose Weight in Minutes a Day” and lead a “Wellness Walk” at Mercy Vineyard’s Soul care retreat in Frederic, WI, I was exhilarated. I was also terrified. There are women who were waiting a whole year to attend this weekend event in a quiet, backwoods location, because they anticipated it as a time to reflect or meditate. I was not one of them. You see, retreat has always been a verb for me.
First, I am not a member of any church. My view on Jesus can be summed up in a quote from Forrest Gump when asked by Sargeant Dan whether he had “found” Jesus.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him”.
Growing up Catholic did not prepare me for accepting the ways of Christianity. While I learned the ritualistic habits of a spiritually devout person, I never really connected to the spiritual part. Eventually, I had more questions than answers. That it when I first withdrew.
Second, I married a Hindu, and we agreed to raise our children in the Hindu faith. I feel that Hinduism is more a salad bowl of views that aren’t staunchly opposed to religious prophets from Biblical religions.
My husband reads the Bible every morning, and includes pictures of Jesus on his prayer shelf. I don’t see many Christians bowing before a picture of Durga. However, I am no more connected to the spiritual side of Hinduism than I am to the Christian one.
Finally, I only knew one other woman at this retreat. My dear friend, Danielle, has eaten at my dinner table and watched my children so my husband and I can enjoy far-flung date nights. I am lucky to be her friend.
But, she had her own reasons for attending this retreat, and was among close friends from her church. I was loathe to cling to her pant legs while I found my place among this community.
I was a stranger in a strange land.
And, a strange land it was! I heard women crying uncontrollably. I saw women reaching their hands out in supplication to the sky. I walked with women who are exploring new adventures in their lives. I talked with women who know Jesus more intimately than I know myself. I ate with women who have helped children in third world countries survive one more day. I hugged women I had just met hours before. I listened to women tell me what their biggest health struggles are. I told women things I have been afraid to tell.
Most of all, I connected with women like me. Women who were searching for answers. We may not have had the same questions, but we had the same longing for solutions.
It is a very scary thing to admit that you don’t have the answers. I may help other women find a healthier lifestyle for themselves, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still get lost or confused on my own weight loss journey. There are days when I watch the numbers creep up on the scale, and I despair. There are days when I avoid exercise, because I am too tired. There are days when I seek refuge in unhealthy foods.
My whole life, I have retreated from the world when it became too difficult to face. I retreated from friends who back-stabbed me. I retreated from academic subjects that challenged me. I retreated from the Catholic church because it no longer nourished my soul. The recent weight gain I have struggled with has nothing to do with feeding my body, and everything to do with filling my soul. But, filling your soul sometimes requires standing still.
Does that describe you when it comes to your health? Do you tell yourself you don’t have time, are too busy, or simply don’t know how to live a healthier life? Are those excuses allowing you to avoid facing the truth?
I didn’t know who or what I was looking for during this retreat. I can say that I have found new ways to seek solace in times of need. Whether that includes reaching out to a stranger for a hug, praying myself thin, or speaking to a wise sage, there is a whole community of amazing women willing to help. The community at Mercy Vineyard extended their arms and prayers to someone who desperately needed that connection.
When caring for your health is low on your priority list, sometimes you just need someone to talk to. Someone who cares about your success, because her entire life changed as a result of her own success. I offer individual Discovery sessions at no cost, because I know how important it is to find someone who understands your struggle, and won’t judge you as harshly as you judge yourself.
I am reaching out my hand to you to embrace a healthier life. To connect with me, schedule a Discovery session HERE.

6 thoughts on “Does Spirituality Affect Obesity?”
Excellent, excellent post Jennifer 🙂
Much appreciated, Jen, especially given your own lovely site.
thanks for this posting very helpful and gave me insight 🙂
WOW…simple amazing post, Jenn. I am BAWLING. You and I are cut from the same cloth in SO many ways. Thanks for sharing this!
Your comment truly warms my heart, Becky. Not that I’m happy that you bawled, but great connections mean a lot to me. I’m ever thankful for your support.
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