It is a rare woman who can go through 10 months of pregnancy cravings, give birth, and fit into her pre-pregnancy jeans soon after. Some women can gain 60 or more pounds while pregnant! Do the math. If you have 3 children, and gain 60 pounds with each pregnancy, you might need bariatric surgery by the end your child-bearing years.
So, how do you lose the baby weight? First of all, I agree that losing weight as a new mom should not be your first priority. Your first priority should be to take care of your new baby and adjust to the awesome feeling of being a mother. It is an amazing and humbling experience.
When you’re ready to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body, you might be frustrated with the lack of information available to new moms. Most doctors will not give you specific information on how to lose weight, especially if you are nursing. They will tell you to eat a sensible diet and exercise. It’s funny how there are a gazillion pregnancy books that tell you exactly how to eat and what exercise to do, but they won’t touch a post-partum diet. If you would eat healthy to support your baby’s well-being, why not support your own well-being?
If you’re anything like me, you want to know how to become a hot mama. Below are some methods that helped me out.
Nurse your baby
Some women have told me that nursing helped them return to pre-pregnancy weight within weeks of giving birth. Even if you do not lose the baby weight, at least you can be happy. Honestly, you get happier while nursing, thanks to the release of oxytocin. Not to mention the knowledge that you are giving your baby the best nutrition on earth!
Eat frequently throughout the day
New moms are always short on time. Baby has you awake around the clock, and you rarely have 10 minutes to go to the bathroom, let alone prepare a decent meal. The solution is to become a grazer. Eat 5-6 small, healthy snacks throughout the day, so that you don’t gorge on less healthy foods. Fruit, veggies, cheese, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs and hummus are quick and easy go-to snacks.
You are already sleep-deprived. The less sleep you get, the more likely your body will hold onto fat cells. The more fat cells your body holds onto, the less weight you’ll lose. It’s a vicious cycle. Get more zzzs.
Drink lots of water
Especially if you are nursing. It helps produce milk, and prevents you from drinking empty calories or eating unhealthy foods.
Do lunges/squats while holding baby
Squats are one of the best exercises you can do to maintain muscle mass. Holding your baby adds additional weight. Also, I found that my younger daughter fell asleep quicker if I squatted while holding her.
Wear your baby
Whether it’s in a sling, a Snugli, or a backpack (for toddlers), there is no better way to engage your muscles and your core than to wear your baby. Plus, you both feel better when you’re close.
Join a stroller strides club or exercise while baby naps
Joining a club can help you get the benefit of socialization and exercise. If you can’t find a local club, then check out this awesome exercise video.
Get friendly with your scale
Regardless of your weight goals, make sure you weigh yourself on a weekly basis. If you despise the scale, keep your favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans somewhere conspicuous. Seeing your favorite jeans might be the push you need to stick to your goals.
Note: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I am an average mom just like you. Check with your doctor if you have specific question/concerns about your health.
Your body will not be the same as it was before you had your baby. That’s ok, because your life will also never be the same. Be gentle with yourself. It can take months or even years to return to a more comfortable weight for you.
What are some of your biggest challenges to losing the baby weight?
4 thoughts on “Losing the Baby Weight”
Very true, but the good news is that you can lose that baby weight. I gained 75 pounds with my first. Gasp – I know, that’s awful. And you are right. I had two more children and never lost the weight, resulting in 10 years of morbid obesity. BUT, then I lost the weight and had four more kids, losing weight after each one.
It’s a special time in your life. Don’t let your weight negatively affect the wonderful memories you are creating. I wish I hadn’t let my weight affect me so much during my first three children’s early years.
I’m not big, but I had a hard time losing the weight after my first baby. I went from a 6 to a 10, which is not good when you’re 5 feet tall-all my clothes were too long and swimming on top, blech. So I got on my unused treadmill and felt better about myself – I didn’t even follow the weight, I just worked out. With baby 2, I was still running after a tot and didn’t take on so much weight.
Thanks, Gina, for sharing. I have some great pins on losing the baby weight, including baby-carrying exercises. Check it out! https://pinterest.com/jegoswam.
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