February is heart health month. This month, I will feature guest blog posts from top trainers in the Twin Cities area or fitness bloggers nationwide.
Today’s blog article is an interview with Megan Kruger, the owner of Megan K Fitness, LLC and Fit Body Boot Camp Plymouth/SLP. Megan has helped over 300 men and women lose a combined several thousand pounds. She has been coaching clients to improve their fitness for over 11 years, and was recently featured on K-TWIN radio. I have personally lost body fat and found new strength when training with Megan.
Megan, can you answer the following 5 questions for my readers?
1. When it’s cold and snowy out, people hate to leave their homes for any reason, let alone fitness. What exercises do you tell your clients to do when they can’t make it to the gym?
Jenn, I get this question a lot and the answer is really simple. A person can still get a great workout at home in 15-30 minutes and doing some kind of exercise to get the blood flowing is better than nothing.
I encourage clients to do whatever they can in the space they have. Push-ups, chair dips, sit-ups, planks, lunges (traveling perhaps in the hallway), squats and if the client is up for it burpees, jumping jacks and even jump squats.
2. Your studio uses equipment such as kettle bells, free weights, jump ropes, battle ropes and boxes for step-ups. What are your must-have tools for home use?
If space permits, a jump rope, a few dumbbells (10 lbs or above depending on fitness level), a yoga mat (if floor surfaces require it) and perhaps a 12kg-20kg kettlebell . I wouldn’t recommend getting a kettlebell without some training on how to use it.
3. Most people work with a trainer for a certain period of time, and stop going. What do you recommend your clients do in the first 3 months after they stop training?
- My first recommendation would be to continue to train in a similar style to what was being done with your trainer. Continue to use the workouts provided by the trainer and don’t break the habit.
- My second recommendation is to be diligent about proper nutrition/good habits. One of the first things clients tend to do is abandon their good nutrition habits because they may no longer have someone holding them accountable.
If you know you are “breaking up” with your trainer make sure to have your workouts written down and continue to do these workout routines. Be sure though to progressively challenge yourself- either increasing weight, speed of movement or repetitions.
4. What are signs that you might be overtraining?
Things I watch for with clients includes inability to recover from soreness, decreased strength, lack of motivation, and trouble sleeping. This article is also a great resource!
5. What do you see as the most common fitness challenge amongst your clients?
Most say a “busy schedule”, which really comes down to priorities. If you have time for Facebook, then you have time to workout.
I know that we all have busy schedules and in fact being busy can even be a source of pride for people, but we have to remember that our health is the asset that we have that we simply can’t live without. Compromising your health (skipping workouts, eating poorly, missing teeth brushings 😉 will mean you have lower quality of life long-term.
Thanks, Megan K!
2 thoughts on “Megan K Answers your Top Home Fitness Questions”
Thank you for answering these questions. I’m enlightened once again.
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