Thursday is national All You Can Eat Day, aka Thanksgiving. Most weight loss experts have been telling you how to cut calories, make healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods, or sign up for a Turkey trot for some extra calorie burn. Aren’t you tired of hearing what you shouldn’t do on Turkey Day? I know I am.
That’s why I’m asking you to just ignore the advice you keep hearing about making this year a healthier Thanksgiving. For one day only, you can eat everything you want.
Whether your pleasure is turkey, ham, salmon, or tofurkey, declare Thanksgiving a time to give thanks for being able to eat what you have been craving all year! If you have a favorite food at the dinner table, don’t count up the calories or crunches you need to do to cancel it out. Enjoy your food and drink.
Just like the picture says, one meal won’t make you fat! Or, stop you from becoming skinny. If you can’t enjoy yourself for even one full day a year, what’s the point?
A note of caution is required. When I was at my heaviest weight, I struggled to recognize when to stop eating. Before my poor stomach knew what hit it, I was throwing more work its way. Belly bloat or belt busting is not fun at any size.
Here are some quick tips to avoid belly bloat or belt busting:
- If you are a fast eater like me, don’t refill your plate until the slowest eater at the table is finished.
- If you typically drink wine by the bottle instead of the glass, drink a full glass of water in between glasses.
- Eat protein first (such as turkey, meat and cheese sampler, nuts, etc) before you hit the mashed potatoes, rolls and desserts.
There is nothing wrong with having an all-you-can-eat day. As long as you make sure it comes but once a year.
3 thoughts on “National All You Can Eat Day”
Man I really need to reread this for the 2 gatherings I have to go to next week. I’ll just have to work out for a few days extra next week 🐷
You got this, Anung! Enjoy your celebrations 🎉
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