Diana Prince is not the only female superhero, and she’s certainly not the best! Find out how to release your inner Wonder Woman in every day ways.
As a child, I always wanted to be Wonder Woman. In the 80’s there were not a lot of powerful women figures to look up to. The princess revolution had yet to occur, and Amazonian princesses who could regularly beat up men, pilot an invisible airplane, or truss up liars with her magical, golden lasso were an anomaly. Enter Lynda Carter, and the TV series that cultivated my love for female superheroes.
Thanks to this year’s summer blockbuster, Wonder Woman, we now have proof that even a pregnant Gal Gadot can also rock her status as a demi-god superheroine.
Which brings me to talk about the most important superhero in your own life. No, it’s not Lynda Carter or even Gal Gadot (props to BOTH!). The most important (and most neglected) superhero in your life is YOU.
[bctt tweet=”In love with #wonderwoman? ROCK our inner goddess in every day ways with these tips. @popsugar” username=”jegoswam”]
Yes, you can, even if you haven’t changed your pants today, done your make-up, or hit the gym. You are still fundamentally a beautiful woman whoย can flex her muscles, believe in her God-given purpose, and use her mind to outsmart any challenges that come your way.
You may even be an amazing artist like my daughter Jade Goswami, who drew the pop art on this blog post (shameless plug for my favorite Wonder girl).
Here are 3 ways to Release your Inner Wonder Woman
1. Find your strength
Wonder Woman can literally punch through walls, vault to the top of a cathedral, and fight with the God of War himself- Aries. Um, how about the rest of us mortals?
Strength has several components- inner strength and outer strength.
Inner strength is about sticking to your ethics and morals, even when the outside pressure is too much.
Outer strength comes from building your muscles and improving your fitness. You may have already read why women benefit from strength training, but do you really focus on how to build that strength day by day?
Do you have some simple tools like resistance bands, ankle weights, or a medicine ball to whip you into shape? Do you have a trainer or coach who can keep pushing you past your limits?
You can build your outer strength while still nurturing your inner strength. For a fun workout to get muscles like Wonder Woman, check out this Popsugar video.
2. Believe in yourself
Remember how Wonder Woman grew up extremely sheltered on a hidden island protected by her sisters and comrades and the Queen of the Amazons, her mother? Well, that did NOT stop Diana Prince from leaving the safety and security of her island for a cause she believed was right. A cause that she was uniquely and divinely destined to fulfill.
She was determined to stop Aries from decimating all of mankind.
[bctt tweet=”When you think about your #health goals, what safety and security are you willing to leave behind you? #wonderwoman” username=”jegoswam”]
I could list for you 3 ways to believe in yourself today. However, belief is a process, and something you can’t manufacture or reproduce unless you have a proper foundation for that belief.
Watch this video on how I strengthened belief in myself when I set out to lose 100 pounds.
3. Never stop learning
Even though Wonder Woman did not have much world experience prior to leaving her island, she certainly had an amazing education! In fact, there was a scene in the movie where she could decipher Sumerian, and showcased her ability to speak just about every language she heard.
As a graduate from the Global Studies program who has lived in Europe, traveled extensively abroad, and married a man from Asia, I am super-passionate about global education, tolerance and diversity.
Wonder Woman is one of those few superheros who is as appreciated for her beautiful brain as her ability to beat up the bad guys.ย What male superhero can claim the same?
By the way, I highly recommend you check out 7 Reasons We Love Wonder Woman from Biracial Bookworms.
You have just read 3 ways to release your inner Wonder Woman. If you know you are ready to step into your power, then I invite you to join my FREE Summer Sparkle online summit.
This amazing month-long event will feature powerful guest goddesses in the areas of mindset, fitness, and health. Stop sitting on the sidelines and show your sparkle with us by July 6!
Click the image to join the action. Rock on, goddesses!

2 thoughts on “Release your Inner Wonder Woman”
So honored you included my article in your lovely post. Wonder Woman is a shero that all boys and girls can look up to!!!
Agreed, Bethany! Your article helped inspire me to think beyond the outer hype around WW.
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