Do you love to run? Neither do I.
Sure, it’s one of the best workouts you can do. After squeezing your excess flab into a tight bustier of breathable exercise clothing, lacing up the Nike running shoes, and turning up the iPod, you are ready to burn some serious calories. This is about the time I usually lose my motivation.

When I first set out to lose weight, I believed in the myth that I needed to run to achieve my goals. Running gets your heart rate up, and tones your body. Plus, there are many resources available for novice runners, such as gadgets that measure your heart rate and oxygen, fun, colorful athletic clothing, magazines dedicated solely to the runner, and marathon events. My own husband firmly believes that running is the only way to lose weight. Too bad he only met me after I lost 100 pounds!
I have done one or two 5Ks in my life, and I have hit the treadmill at the local gym. But, running just does not stir my passion. And, if my passion is not stirred, I won’t commit to it. In Minneapolis, the running season is somewhat shorter than in more temperate climates. I’m too much of a wimp to go running when there’s ice and snow waiting to see me hit the pavement– FACE-first.
Did you know that Shape published a list of 20 fabulous, fit women who HATE running?
One of them happens to be my fitness role model, Jennifer Galardi. Galardi has a fabulous line of exercise videos that focus on dancing and toning. Check out her website.
Just as there is no one-size fits all approach to dieting for weight loss, there is no one-size-fits-all exercise program. However, as someone who has maintained my weight loss for 10 years, I can say that you need to find an activity that you can do indefinitely. I am not saying that running is a bad way to lose weight, but it was bad for me.
Dance is another story.
I never have any problem getting motivated to dance. I don’t need any special clothing or environment to do it, and I can share it with my family and friends. I prefer turning up the music while in the privacy of my own home. And, don’t forget that there are many ways to learn dance moves. In addition to Galardi’s wonderful videos, there is the Just Dance for Wii. If that is not your style, check out a local community education center or college. See some of my favorites here.
3 thoughts on “Running Nowhere”
I agree 100%. Do what DRIVES you to do more. Do what makes you spend the day thinking, “I can’t wait to do X and sweat my tail off!”
You’re right, Alex. Without that inner motivation driving you, you will be one of the statistics that gives up within the first month.
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