BeforeGoal AchievementGuest Posts

September Success: Meet Mariana Ruiz

Welcome to September Success, a month of inspirational weight loss success stories from real women like you.

In my previous two years of September Success stories, I asked for written responses from folks in the weight loss community. This year, I would like to shake it up with an audio format. My first guest is the beautiful Mariana C. Ruiz, who was once a health coach after losing 80 pounds with a young child at home and an absentee husband.

Did I mention she lives in rural Texas, and worked long hours at her corporate job?

She isn’t supermom, but she certainly knows her way around time management! In fact, you might be surprised at how she managed to handle a nursing toddler, a preemie, a job AND her online business, all while maintaining her weight loss. Hint: The power is in the SNACKS.

[bctt tweet=”[bctt tweet=”Listen to @TheMarianaCRuiz share her transformational #weightloss story #fitspo #mompreneur” ” username=”jegoswam”]username=”jegoswam”]

Today, Mariana C. Ruiz is a business coach and amazing leader of the Entrepreneurial Moms Facebook group. Her mission is to free moms from the 9-5 struggle and give them time to snuggle up with their kiddos. This passion stemmed from her own experience with leaving her corporate job in hospitals so she could take care of her daughter, who was born premature.

Check out her generous free resources to get your own dream business working for you!

My favorite part was when she shared with us what her biggest milestone was. Yes, you can’t make this stuff up!

Mariana Ruiz weight loss success

5 thoughts on “September Success: Meet Mariana Ruiz

  1. Thank you Jenn! Inspiring and encouraging, love it♥ Weight loss is such a singular and personal journey, its so important for people to find what works for THEM without fear of judgment on how they arrived to where they’ve always dreamed of being. NEVER give up hope! #smallvictoriessundaylinkupjk

    1. Hi, Kristine,

      Yes, the most important thing is finding a plan that fits not only goals but also abilities. That is why I feature folks like Stacy in September Success. Thanks for commenting.

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