My husband has never counted a calorie. Sometimes he will declare that he needs to lose a few pounds. “Oh, how will you do that?” I innocently ask. He replies “Oh, by cutting back on my eating”. The next day, he eats one less egg for breakfast. Then, he might omit a snack in the afternoon, and put one less spoon of sugar in his daily cup of tea. Do you think he is successful?
For me, counting calories is like sucking all the enjoyment out of anything I eat. I start thinking about food in terms of what it will cost me, instead of what it will give me. Some diet experts tell you that you can lose large amounts of weight without counting calories. That’s almost true.
You can lose weight without counting calories, but you cannot lose weight without counting something.
Last month, I provided a health checklist to guide your weight loss strategy. Today’s article focuses on the question of WHAT. Take out a pen, and answer the 3 quick questions below.
Are you counting?
If you hate counting calories, find something else you can count that will help you reach your goals. Examples of other things you can count are points, number of servings, number of meals, number of times you chew, number of steps you take, number of minutes you exercise, etc. If you hate counting calories, find something else you can count that will help you reach your goals.
Are you tracking?
What is the difference between counting and tracking? You count something you need less of, whereas you track something you need more of. For example, I might count calories, but track how many glasses of water I drink every day. Tracking can be more fun, because it feels more like a challenge than a punishment. Some things to track could be amount of protein you eat, glasses of water you drink, times you visit the gym, pounds you lift, or positive affirmations you tell yourself.
Failed in the past?
Did you struggle with making healthy foods at home? Check out some great recipes on my Nutrition board.
Did you need ways to excite your exercise routine when it became stale? Check out my Movement or Resources page.
It is only when we fail that we learn how to be better. In what ways can you be better?
When answering these questions above, stick to just one answer each. If you write down more than that, you might get overwhelmed. Once you write down your answers, post it in a highly visible place. You could post it on your fridge, your phone (with reminders!), or in a journal. This is to keep you honest.
By the way, my husband has been successful with his cutting back strategy when it comes to short-term weight loss. Long-term weight loss is another matter!
Join me on my blog for the next question on your health checklist: WHEN.
5 thoughts on “Weight Loss Strategy without Counting Calories”
Very motivational and informative – thank you!
You’re welcome, Jody! Thanks for visiting 🙂
Love that you distinguish between counting and tracking….I have been struggling lately and my goal has been to right down everything that I eat regardless and get a sense for where i am at. I feel this is the first step to getting back on track
Writing it down is a great place to start! I think it’s important to make your lifestyle change more than just what you shouldn’t do. We all like to have a little fun sometimes 🙂
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