
Why Sitting May be Making you More Tired

Why sitting May be Making you More Tired photo

Why sitting May be Making you More Tired photoForget that gym membership and ditch exercise guilt! Find a more cost-effective and efficient way to conquer sitting disease with these tips.

Moms, are your days so booked that finding an hour to hit the gym seems impossible? Do you beat yourself up because you know you should be exercising more than you are? Forget the gym, and find a new way to get active. This way takes minutes a day, costs no money, and gives you a healthy dose of energy for your whole day. Plus, you can do it right now!


After I lost my office job a few years ago, I lost 10 pounds without even trying. I did not exercise more or eat differently. What I did was spend most of my day on my feet.

How would your life improve if you just got up on your feet more often?

Sitting disease is real. If you have never heard of sitting disease, it is the idea that sitting on your butt for extended periods of time not only makes you unfit, but can also increase the size and spread of your cheeks. Yes, those cheeks.

Even if you would welcome a wider butt, sitting down all day may decrease the heart benefits you get from exercising for an hour.

Some experts believe that sitting is worse for your health than smoking. Women’s Health released an article from a reporter who did not sit down for a whole month. While this approach is too extreme (you still have to sit to use the toilet, right?), there are merits to getting up on your feet.

Here are 3 reasons that you should Stand Up:

  1. Standing relieves pressure on your legs by encouraging blood flow
  2. Standing burns more calories than sitting
  3. Standing works more muscles in your stomach and back


A lot of my friends work in the chiropractic industry. Many of them have told me that they see younger patients coming in with significant back problems. I had back surgery for a slipped disk before I turned 30, and I still have slight nerve damage in my left foot. Until you throw out your back, it’s hard to understand just how important your core muscles are.

You do NOT work your core muscles while sitting!

Having a stronger core is also important for aesthetic reasons. That means, it will help you look better in your clothes. The straighter your back and firmer your belly, the less likely you will have unsightly bulges hanging out of your pants.

As a speaker, I feel that I think best on my feet. I can come up with brilliant scripts and words while I’m sitting, but I deliver my best content when I’m standing in front of an expectant audience. There is a reason for this.

Even if you despise speaking or standing in front of a group of people, don’t you feel better when you get up for a few minutes and stretch? Do you feel less tense and more energized?

Humans are biologically disposed to standing rather than sitting.

I can’t tell you that you will lose a bunch of weight simply by standing throughout the day. To lose a bunch of weight, check out this article on NEAT.

I can tell you that standing for at least 5 minutes every hour will not require grumping, a guilt trip, or a gym membership. No matter how busy you are, you can probably carve out 5 precious minutes to take a stroll around your area, or even escape for 10 minutes. That short break will restore your spirit and energize your body.

My challenge to you is to set an alarm to stand up at least every 2 hours. If you are a traveler, make sure to schedule regular rest stops or even just stand for a few minutes by your seat. Record your progress throughout the week. Then, see how you feel by the end of the week. Your body will thank you!

Do you find moments for standing throughout your day? Share your ideas in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Why Sitting May be Making you More Tired

  1. I love this post! I need to create a stand up computer station for blogging at home. My New Year’s Resolution (starting now) is to simply do more outside so I am not so lazy and immobile inside. 🙂

    1. Welcome, Monica!
      I have always admired people with stand-up desks. It must be soooo much better for your back, too. Getting fresh air is a great way to get energized as well. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Jennifer, thanks so much for this reminder. I definitely have the “sitting disease”. There are days when I don’t get up from my desk for hours on end. After reading your post I have decided to start setting my alarm as a reminder to myself to get up and move around throughout the day. I’m sure my body will thank me 🙂

    1. Glad to see your comment, Stacey! It’s hard to remember to get up from your desk, especially when you are in the thick of work. Might as well put these devices to good use, eh? Happy Friday!

  3. I work at a desk all day as well. I stop every hour for 10 minutes and walk the dog, change the laundry, or do jumping jacks. It might be silly but it makes me feel better.

    1. Paola, I know how intimidating losing weight can be, especially if you have more than 15 pounds to lose. Feel free to check out the free resources on my website, including my free Lose 5 Pounds now gameplan. Simply subscribe to get started!

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